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Collective Intelligence for People and Planet

A diverse network of change-makers committed to sharing strategic insights, inspiration and impactful specific opportunities to crack the crises of climate, covid, conflicts and inequalities and achieve our Sustainable Development Goals. We co-operate across 3 workstreams: advocacy, financing and delivery.

The Work

The Why

We face an unprecedented series of concurrent crises - of covid, conflicts, climate and inequalities. To crack these crises, we must break out of old ways of working, escape siloed thinking and structures and partner strategically to avert climate catastrophe and achieve our shared Sustainable Development Goals. 

The What

As a trusted, neutral platform, Sharing Strategies is a network of leading change-makers from advocates, think tanks, local leaders, global civil society groups,  international organisations, the private sector and philanthropic foundations. After regular convening, the sharing strategies network has organised itself into three workstreams – advocating, financing and delivering.


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Connecting local & global campaigns, creatives & movements

Counter short-termist populism and mobilise public and political support for long-term climate- and SDG-smart financing and delivery. Nurture movement-generous leaders from the climate and development sectors.

Global public goods

Raise approximately $2.4-3 trillion annually by 2030 in quality public and private investment, ensuring these domestic and global flows support open country-owned platforms and innovative local actors.

Local public goods &
win-win results for
people & planet

Ensure these transformative investments support a smart, data-driven pipeline of policies and projects designed for co-impact and co-benefits across sectors, unleashing innovative technologies which empower local leaders and communities.

Here are some questions from recent meetings – do you have the answers?

Populists pit the poor 'at home' against the poor 'overseas' and the short term against the long term. How can we better connect left-behind communities in solidarity the world over and connect short-term delivery with long-term goals?

If 'The Apprentice' helped get Trump elected, what’s the reality TV format or creative communications approach that can help get the SDGs and climate action elected?


How can we press the G7 finance ministries, who still dominate the World Bank, multilateral development banks and the IMF, to be more ambitious and creative in directing global finance to crack these crises?

It is estimated that an additional $2.4-3 trillion per annum must be invested in emerging economies to achieve the SDGs. This is just 1% of the $130 trillion already committed globally to net zero. What will it take to invest more of this huge sum in Global South renewable infrastructure and human capital?


How can we better harness data  and digital platforms to empower citizens at the grassroots?  

How can we listen to and partner with local actors to agree metrics to measure whether the “localisation revolution” promised is actually being delivered by global partners?


The Facts

$28 trillion

could be added to annual global GDP by closing all socio-economic gender gaps.

$13 trillion

is spent annually by governments on public procurement processes and contracts. Only 2.3% of these are made open for public scrutiny.

$2.4-3 trillion

annually by 2030 is the required investment in lower- and middle-income countries to help the world avert climate catastrophe and achieve the Sustainable Development Goals.

$130 trillion

is the amount of global capital committed to net zero, according to the Glasgow Financial Alliance for Net Zero (GFANZ).

811 million

people go to bed hungry every night. The number of those facing severe food insecurity has more than doubled - from 135 million to 345 million - since 2019. A total of 50 million people in 45 countries are teetering on the edge of famine.

5 million

children under 5 years old died in 2020. That's 13,800 children every day. But there's progress: in 2000 it was nearly 2x as much


people are killed by malaria each year, making mosquitoes the world's deadliest animal. That's 1,717 people every day. COVID has likely increased this number.

2.4 billion

women of working age live in countries whose laws discriminate against them – in areas such as property rights, voting rights, and the right open a bank account.


of data for the indicators needed to monitor gender equality for the SDGs is not available, demonstrating the sexist data crisis.


Share your strategy and engage with other strategy sharers to find solutions for these questions. Reach out to us below.

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